Pay Per Lead Marketing



A low-risk, high-reward approach to marketing.


Transparent reporting with flat lead prices


You'll know what you're paying for at all times. With our live lead reporting, you'll be able to see what leads have met the criteria along with all details for future use.


There are no tricks or traps when it comes to generating leads. 10+ years experience means we know what we're doing, and we'll put our money where our mouth is.


We want you to get the most out of your leads! We'll help to send you leads in a way that gives you the best chance of conversion and ongoing retention.


My 10+ year marketing career has given me opportunities in large agencies, small agencies, client-side work and freelance. I ran a successful 15 person agency for 6 years until I decided to retire from it in 2021.

Since then I’ve continued marketing in a freelance capacity so I can keep doing what I love but without the stress of managing an agency.

The Pay Per Lead offering came about after seeing how businesses struggled post-pandemic. Marketing is a huge investment that’s not always practical when times are tight. Pay Per Lead means I take on the big investment while you get to benefit from the results. This also enables me to focus on what I do best with a more flexible work/life balance. Win-win!

I hope we can achieve great things together!


We have clients all over the world in a number of different lead-based industries. 
Don’t see your industry? Never fear! Get a free consultation to see if Pay Per Lead is right for you.


Mechanics, Repair Shops, Mobile Servicing, Commercial Fleets & Part Sales.

Trade Services

HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Builders, Custom Fabrication, Commercial Cleaners, Carpet & Flooring, Solar, Pools & Landscaping

Professional Services

Accountants, Lawyers, Funeral Directors, IT Consultants, Financial Advisors, Engineers & Architects.

Real Estate

uyers Agents, Sellers Agents, Property Management, Airbnb Management, Investment Coaches & Training.

Health Services

Dentists, Cosmetic Surgery, Chiropractors, Aged Care, Medical Equipment Repairs, Veterinary & Health Insurance.


Agriculture, Construction, Supplies, Chemical, Engineering & Part Sales.


Happy clients across the world

Michael Mechanic, California

As a mechanic in California, finding quality leads is crucial for my business. This pay per lead generation service has been a game-changer. The leads provided are highly targeted and have resulted in a significant increase in customers. They understand the automotive industry and deliver leads that convert. Their professionalism, responsiveness, and transparent pricing structure make them stand out. I highly recommend this service to any mechanic looking to grow their customer base.

Sean Building Inspector, Texas

Running a building inspection business requires a consistent flow of qualified leads. This pay per lead generation service has been instrumental in delivering just that. The leads generated are of high quality, ensuring a higher conversion rate. These guys understand the unique needs of building inspectors and deliver leads that match those requirements. I’m a big fan of their transparent reporting too. I highly recommend this service to fellow building inspectors.

Jeremy Carpet Repair, Illinois

This pay per lead generation service has been exceptional. The leads provided are highly relevant and have resulted in a steady stream of clients. I was able to give them clear parameters for what I can and can’t do and they met the brief and provided the right leads from the start. Highly recommended!

Steven Pressure Washer, Florida

It’s great to finally find something that provides consistent leads without having to throw money at agency fees and ad spend. Only paying for leads has removed the hassle of dealing with marketing stuff that I don’t have time for and helped me focus on growing my business. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Sign up now, thank me later.


How do you maintain lead quality?

Leads will either be forms or phone calls. All forms will have qualifying fields that we agree on together. You won’t pay for any enquiries that are outside your service area or asking for something you can’t do.

Phone calls are measured through a call tracking system using tracking numbers and call recording. I’ll be able to track all phone calls, their duration and listen to their content. You won’t pay for calls that are spam, wrong numbers, marketing or any calls under 30 seconds. Missed calls where a voicemail is left will be charged as a lead.

How do you report on leads?

You’ll get full, transparent reporting of your leads. All leads are put into an online, live spreadsheet that you can see at all times. Each lead is reviewed by a person and marked as either counted or not counted. If it’s not counted, there will be notes as to why it doesn’t meet the criteria. This way, you can always see how many leads you’ve received and chat to us if you feel anything has been marked incorrectly. 

How much can I expect to pay for each lead?

After your free consultation, you’ll receive your price per lead. This might include tiered pricing depending on the quality level or service offering. You can expect to spend more on cooler leads (for example, free ebook downloads that are feeding a funnel) and more for warm or hot leads (contact enquiries or appointment bookings). The price of lead will also vary depending on your industry and location. We’ll agree on pricing before proceeding with the 10 lead trial.

Will you use my brand to advertise?

Generally no. We’ll be using our own websites, pages and funnels to generate your leads. However, we won’t make any claims in my advertising that don’t align with your offering. After all, we want your leads to convert and setting the right expectation is key.

Once a lead is in your hands, you can introduce them to your brand and it’s up to you to retain them long term.

Are there any long term contracts?

No. Your first commitment is to your 10 lead trial. From there, we continue with the service for as long as you like. Leads are calculated and invoiced on a monthly basis and you only pay after you receive your leads.

Once a lead is in your hands, you can introduce them to your brand and it’s up to you to retain them long term.